Adalah Yamaha Gear 125, sebuah manifestasi baru dari pabrikan berlambang garputala untuk kelas skutik entry level. Performanya sudah tentu didukung mesin 125 cc Blue Core dengan teknologi terkini di kelasnya yakni Smart Motor Generator. Hadirnya SMG juga memungkinkan motor ini punya fitur nyala-mati otomatis yang halus demi meningkatkan efisiensi bahan bakar.
Yamaha Mio Gear 2023, Philippines Price, Specs & Official Promos
On the basis of features, mileage, comfort in the seats, and engine performance, more than 8 consumers have evaluated the Mio Gear.
Yamaha Gear 125 Pertengahan Tahun 2022: Ini Harga dan Spesifikasi, Apa Saja Keunggulannya?
Kelima varian warna tersebut bernuansa matte dan glossy dengan penambahan grafis yang membuat motor ini tampak kian keren. Menyuguhkan desain sporty, tangguh, dan modern, motor multiguna ini jadi skutik entry level yang memiliki banyak keunggulan di kelasnya. Motor ini juga sudah dibekali mesin Blue Core berkapasitas 125cc 1-silinder yang mampu mengeluarkan tenaga 9,4 hp dengan torsi hingga 9,5 Nm. Untuk fiturnya, motor ini juga sudah dibekali beragam fitur seperti double hook, Side Stand Switch, Stop & Start System, pijakan kaki anak, electric power socket, lampu Hazard, ECO Indikator, LED Headlight, dan ban tubeless
Motor matic kekinian ini cocok digunakan oleh berbagai usia, terutama anak muda yang sibuk berkegiatan di jalanan atau rutinitas harian.
Review: 2022 Yamaha Mio Gear S
It has electronic fuel injection compared to the carburetor on the Mio Sporty, made even more efficient by the addition of a smart engine start-stop system. However, it comes with modishly shaped mirrors and subtle but eye-catching decals on the fenders, forks, and even on the cast aluminum wheels. The stylish accents and branding set its trendy owner apart from the mediocre commuter making up the rat race peloton. The side and front fenders are made of tougher plastic material designed to be more abrasion and impact resistant. If you had your old Mio fairings scratched and dented on a spill, you know just which plastic parts need to be made more robust. It’s slung low for even a petite teenager to straddle and that makes it downright easy to maneuver in jammed gridlock or fast tight turns.
It pulls hard even on steep inclines and the CVT is tuned well to match the power and torque. That power and torque don’t fade even as the engine gets hotter on a long ride or while stuck in traffic.
The suspension is a basic set of telescopic forks up front and a single-unit swing shock at the rear. I found that lowering the front and rear tire pressures made it more tractable and cushy. Yamaha is unexpectedly not hyping their Smart Motor Generator System which is the reason for that silent startup with the battery-conserving engine starter. As you approach a red light at an intersection and chop the throttle, it’s already sensing your intention to stop.
Almost as soon as you come to a complete stop, the system cuts off the engine, and starts it again as you open the throttle when the light turns green. It’s quiet, it’s intuitive, it’s economical, and has less electrical wiring and components to fail if exposed to water when commuting during the rainy season.
Speaking of which, I left it at an open parking spot and after a heavy downpour, the rain managed to get under the seat.
The key comes with an answer-back fob that triggers the indicator lights and emits a gentle beep for you to find your scooter in a crowded parking lot. The seatbox may not be spacious enough to fit a helmet but should accommodate a lunch box, a thermos and rain gear. The 2022 Yamaha Mio Gear S is the ideal scooter to beat traffic on a daily work commute in the metro. It’s loaded with the essentials and added features to make it a delightful, frugal, even spirited ride.
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