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Yamaha Mio Soul I 125 Blink Code List

I decided to do a quick chart of all of the Yamaha fault code lists that I have come across as a mechanic. There are literally hundreds of fault codes so it will be an ever-growing list as I dig them out of my MT-07 service manual.

This will cover all self-diagnosis fault codes for 2014-2023 Yamaha FZ, MT, Tracer, & XSR700 motorcycles plus many others. 19 5d_19 Sidestand switch: a break or disconnection of the black/red lead of the ECU is detected. 21 5d_21 Coolant temperature sensor: open or short circuit detected. 22 5d_22 Intake air temperature: open or short circuit detected. 24 5d_24 O2 sensor: no normal signals are received from the O2 sensor (lambda) 30 5d_30 Latch-up detected 33 5d_33 Cylinder #1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder #1 ignition coil. 42 5d_42 Speed sensor: no normal signals are received from the speed sensor; or Gear position switch: open or short circuit is detected; or Clutch switch: open or short circuit detected. 70 5d_70 Engine idling stop This is how I connect a Bluetooth OBD2 scanner using a Yamaha 4-pin cable to my MT07 to clear and read faults. P0201 P0201 Fuel Injector No1 malfunction P0202 P0202 Fuel Injector No2 malfunction P0335 P0335 Crankshaft position sensor: no normal signals are received from the crankshaft position sensor P0351 P0351 Cylinder #1 ignition coil: open or short circuit detected in the primary lead of the cylinder #1 ignition coil. (Black – Red lead) P1602 P1602 Malfunction of the ECU (power cutoff function) P1604 P1604 Lean angle sensor ground short circuit P1605 P1605 Lean angle sensor open or power short circuit detected. So if you get a check engine light Yamaha fault code list is helpful.

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You can use an OBD2 fault code reader to check the conditions of your Yamaha Motorcycle. The ECU will record and display real-time and stored fault codes that you can read on the OBD2 port. You will need to have the Yamaha motorcycle turned on and running to test certain live fault conditions. If you are able to start the motorcycle turn the key to AUX and read the fault codes.

Check out how I connect a Bluetooth OBD2 scanner using a Yamaha 4-pin cable to my MT07 to clear and read faults. In this case, you will need an OBD2 scanner to connect up to see if there are any saved error codes in the memory of the ECU EEPROM. To test remove the lean angle sensor and tilt greater than Idle speed control 00 Learning data ICS has been erased.

To help with the Yamaha fault code list I have included my wiring diagram for the MT07.

Check out the video below on why your motorcycle won’t start with a good battery. If you come across any extra fault codes let me know in the comments below and I will add them to the current list. As newer models come into the market they become smarter and have extra codes added to help fix the problem.

I just wish they would use basic English for example Yamaha error code 46 is the charging voltage is abnormal. Now fix your motorcycle and do a quick MT07 oil change service and maybe I will see you out on the road one day.

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If all else fails check out these funny motorcycle quotes and sayings to brighten your day.

Yamaha error codes. Troubleshooting

– Turn on the ignition without releasing the button, wait about eight seconds until DIAG appears on the dashboard. At this stage, you can switch between testing and setting CO by holding the SELECT button for a couple of seconds.

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